Aug 17, 2022
Have you ever organized a Takoyaki party at home?
Hi,everyone! Have you ever organized a Takoyaki party at home? I definitely recommend you to organize it! There are a few unique ways of...

Aug 17, 2022
Do you like Chicken rice?
If yes, can you continue to eat it for 1000 DAYS!? The other day, I saw an interesting news on Yahoo Japan. A Japanese man went to a...

Aug 17, 2022
What are your hobbies at home ?
There are many things that each person enjoys at home. So this time, I would like to introduce my indoor hobby, how I enjoy it, and where...

![◉The difference between [ごろ] and [いっぱい]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f6084b_252cbea6bfcc4068924c5218eef3e8b9~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_320,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/f6084b_252cbea6bfcc4068924c5218eef3e8b9~mv2.webp)
Aug 17, 2022
◉The difference between [ごろ] and [いっぱい]
When I am teaching in the basic course, my students asked me this question frequently. Let me share this question and answer it here...

Aug 16, 2022
◉The difference between「どうして」「なんで」, and 「なぜ」
You may have learned “どうして” as “why” in your lesson. On the other hand, you may have heard “なんで” “なぜ” as why in the anime or drama too....

Aug 16, 2022
◉What is the hiragana character that fills in the blank in the following sentence?
What is the hiragana character that fills in the blank in the following sentence? 日本語( )勉強します。 I study Japanese Language. The correct...

Aug 16, 2022
Suju restaurant in Mandarin gallery
I would like to introduce Suju restaurant in Mandarin gallery Recently our principal Tomoki sensei introduced us to try this restaurant...

Aug 16, 2022
◉Japanese grammar 「〜んです (ndesu)」Vol.2
The Japanese convenient expression 「〜んです (~ndesu)」 「〜んです (~ndesu) has the same meaning as 「です (desu)」, but it is different as it has a...

Aug 16, 2022
◉Japanese grammar 「〜んです (ndesu)」
Japanese grammar 「〜んです (ndesu)」is a difficult grammar to understand. However, it is a very convenient grammar and one that Japanese...