Sep 5, 2023
Indirect Japanese Expressions: Making request and reacting for it!
みなさん、こんにちは! Suddenly, what do you think of B's response to the following conversation? A:あした いっしょに かいものに いって くれませんか? Would you go...

Sep 5, 2023
Listen your favourite songs in Japanese!💿
Have you ever listened to music from the group '新しい学校のリーダーズ' (ATARASHII GAKKO!)?🥳 They're my おし(favorite) singers, and they're set to...

Sep 5, 2023
Dancing festival: Awaodori🏮
Have you ever been to Japanese festivals? If you are interested in one of those, why don’t you immerse yourself in the captivating world...