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✏️The difference between [こと] and [の]✏️

You may learn in your lesson “こと” is used to nominalize a verb.


(My hobby is reading books.)

However, you may also learn “の” is used to make a verb into a noun.


(I like to study Japanese.)

What is the difference between “こと” and “の”?

Is it interchangeable or not?

一緒(いっしょ)に チェックしましょう:)

Let’s find out together in this post:)

🌟The difference between “✍️こと” and “🗣の”

In many cases こと and の are interchangeable, but “こと” sounds more formal and is usually used in written language.

On The other hand, “の” sounds more casual and spoken Japanese.

Therefore you can use “の” in daily conversation.

If you use “こと” in informal conversation, it might sound unnatural because “こと” can give a formal impression.

However, there are types of sentences only こと can be used.

⚠️when you can only use “こと”

①Before です、だ、じゃありません、じゃない

You can only use “こと” when there are a noun both 1st clause and 2nd clause.

Examples of this type of sentence are below.


(My dream is to become a doctor. )


(My hobby is watching movies.)

Here you can’t replace こと with の


🙌Here’s a tip

⇨the です、だ、じゃありません、じゃない come at the end of a sentence, you have to use “こと”.

②When こと is in a grammatical part

When こと is in a grammar construction, you cannot replace “こと” with “の”.

Examples of this type of sentence are below.


(Take-san can speak Korean.)


(I have been to Okinawa.)


( I decided to change my job.)

⚠️when you can only use “の”

👂👀Before the verb of perception

You can use only “の” before the verb of perception, such as 聞(き)きます、聞(き)こえます、見(み)ます、見(み)えます、感(かん)じます、気付(きづ)きます…


(I hear Take sensei singing.)


(I saw Take sensei enter the classroom.)

⚠️Here you can’t replace の with こと


どうでしたか。(how’s my explanation?)


Tomo Japaneseでいっしょにたくさん日本語(にほんご)を 話(はな)しましょう!

I hope you enjoy learning and talking Japanese!👍✨


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