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How to decline an invitation from your Boss or Senpai?

OK! Here's a thought for you:

A friend has invited you to dinner. However, you have other plans on that day.

In Japanese, how do you decline the offer?

「すみません、ちょっと。。。予定(よてい)が あります から。I'm sorry, but I have other plans.」

「すみません、少(すこ)し 忙(いそが)しい ので。I'm sorry, but I'm a little busy.」

I believe you have previously researched similar responses.

This is not an incorrect response! If you can say "I'm sorry" first and then explain why, you're already halfway there!😁

⚠️But !!!!!!!⚠️

That is OK if they are a good friend or coworker. Is this, however, all you need to do when invited by your employer or senior staff in a work setting?

No, it is not!🙅

In Japan, I don't believe it is sufficient when interacting with your supervisor or elders.

Today, I'd want to share with you a better technique to deny an invitation from your employer or a senior colleague.

Do you feel awkward saying "I'm sorry" when you decline an invitation even if you have done nothing wrong?

We Japanese say "I'm sorry," considering the feelings of the person who chose and invited me.🙇

Similarly, try adding the following words to demonstrate your gratitude to your supervisors and seniors for inviting you more!

Example 1:

「お誘(さそ)い ありがとうございました。また よろしければ 誘(さそ)って ください。」

"Thank you for the invitation. Please invite me again if you like."☺️

Example 2:

「次(つぎ)は ぜひ 参加(さんか)させて ください。よろしく お願(ねが)いします。」

"Please let me join you next time. Please treat me well.”😊

It may seem a little tiresome, but by adding these words, the person who invited you will not feel bad and you will be able to maintain a good relationship.🙌

We Japanese are so accustomed to this culture that we naturally come up with such words. If you have the opportunity to use such words in business situations, please try to use them consciously.

I am sure that your bosses and seniors will feel comfortable inviting you to join them again next time.


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