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The difference between [~ても] and [~のに]

Do you know how to say, “It doesn’t turn on, even though I pressed the button.”?

You may learn in your lesson,


However, you may notice that Japanese people also use “〜のに” in this situation.


What is the difference between “〜ても” and “〜のに”?

Is it interchangeable or not?

一緒(いっしょ)に チェックしましょう☺️

Let’s find out together in this post:)

🌟「~ても」: even if~

The sentence with “(てform)+も” indicates a reverse condition and means "even if."

This “〜ても” sentence is often used for ☆hypothetical situation.

例(れい: example)


Even if I confess my love to Ann san now, it won’t go well.

🌟「〜のに」:even though~

“(Plain form)+のに” means “even though~ / in spite of the fact that” and be used when the event or state is contrary to what is usually expected.

例(れい: example)


Takemoto san gets bad grades even though she studies a lot.

Sometimes “〜ても” and “〜のに” are used to describe the same situation as mentioned at the beginning.



Both sentences mean “It doesn’t turn on, even though I pressed the button.”

Let me summarize the difference below with examples.

❗️The difference between “〜ても” and “〜のに”❗️

①”〜のに” can’t be used for hypothetical situations.

⇨You can use ”〜のに” only when you tell an established fact.

例(れい: example)



Even if I take a JLPT test, I don’t think that I can pass it.

②”〜のに” can express your feelings.

⇨You can express the speaker's subjective feelings such as disappointment, blame, or regret.

On the other hand, the “〜ても” sentence simply tell the fact in a neutral way.

例(れい: example)


⇨This sentence expresses that “you’re disappointed, frustrated, and sad.”


Even though I waited for 1 hour, she(he) didn’t come.

⇨This sentence just tells the facts.

③ “〜のに” can be used at the end of the sentence.

⇨Japanese people sometimes use “〜のに” at the end of the sentence, but “〜ても” can’t be used like that.

例(れい: example)


Even though I wake up early…(it got canceled…)


⇨you always have to add something after “〜ても” like below.

⭕️早起(はやお)きしても, ドタキャンされるかもしれない。

Even if I wake up early, he may cancel on me at the minute.

④ “〜のに” can’t be used with the sentence that expresses the will.

⇨You cannot use “〜のに” with expressions related to the speaker's will, giving orders, making requests, etc.

On the other hand, “〜ても” can be used with these types of sentences.

例(れい: example)



🎶I want to go to the concert even if(though) I have work.

どうでしたか。(how’s my explanation?)


Tomo Japaneseでいっしょにたくさん日本語(にほんご)を 話(はな)しましょう!

I hope you enjoy learning and talking Japanese!



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