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短期集中初級日本語文法総まとめ ポイント20

To pass JLPT N2, its really important to have a deep understanding of basic grammar. But how do you review the grammar you've learned?

To do so, I recommend
短期集中初級日本語文法総まとめ ポイント20. This reference book is not for beginners as the explanation might be too difficult for them. However, if you use this book after you have learned some basic grammar in class , this book will be easy-to-use and handy. 

This book consists of basic grammar, for example 1課 助詞 2課 「は」と「が」 4課 「て形」・「た形」 5課 動詞の活用と文型 6課 ふつう形 8課 申し出・勧誘  11課 ~ていく・~てくる 12課 他動詞と自動詞 13課 可能表現 15課 条件など 16課 授受 だれがだれに? 17課 使役 18課 受身・使役受身 19課 敬語 

It may seem a bit too much, but if you are taking JLPT N2 and feel nervous about the exam, before you sit for the exam, get a deeper understanding of basic grammar by this book! 

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